Some may not be aware that they are entitled to see a physician of their choosing according to the FECA. According to the DOL, “The employee is entitled to select the physician or facility which is to provide treatment. The provider must meet the definition of ‘physician’ under the FECA and must not have been excluded from payment under the program.”
This does not mean that employers cannot provide facilities and personnel for examining and treating injured employees. It simply means that an employer cannot mandate that an injured federal worker utilize these services.
Further, the DOL states that, “An employee is entitled to initial selection of physician for treatment of an injury. He or she may choose any licensed physician in private practice who is not excluded, or he or she may choose to be treated at a government facility where one is available. Such facilities include medical officers and hospitals of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Department of Veterans Affairs. Agency personnel may not interfere with the employee’s right to choose a physician, nor may they require an employee who claims an injury to go to a physician who is employed by or under contract to the agency before going to the physician of the employee’s choice.”
In summary, if you are a federal worker who is injured on the job or suffer from neuropathy nerve pain, you are entitled to choose your own treating physician even if your employer makes available a physician or facility.