When you need a personal injury doctor, you may start looking for recommendations or you may simply follow the guidance of your company. However, there comes a time when you should ask yourself if you should use the company recommendation or go with an auto injury doctor that has experience with workers compensation. To help you decide, here are a few questions that you should ask yourself before you go to your next personal injury doctor’s appointment.
What Type of Accident Did You Suffer From?
The type of accident you suffered from can make an impact on your decision on which personal injury doctor is right for you. If you had an injury while on the job, you’ll want to choose a doctor that understands how to properly document the injuries so they clearly link back to the action at work. The easier this documentation is for insurance companies, employers, and others involved in the claim, the better your outcome will be.
Do You Feel Like You Are Getting Individualized Care?
You should always focus on individualized care when you are going to visit a personal injury doctor. You want to make sure that they are treating your particular injury and not just glossing over the problem. Start with a consultation to learn more about their specialties and how well you communicate with one another.
Are You Confident They Are Putting You First?
If you feel that the auto injury doctor is more concerned with the outcome for the insurance company or your employers, you may not feel as confident in the recovery. Make sure you choose a doctor that wants you to get the best recovery, both physically and financially. Take the time to speak with your doctor and bring questions up at your first visit so that you choose the personal injury doctor that puts you first.