Just like any other job, working for the federal government also has risks. If you experience an injury while on the job, it is first and foremost critical to get the care you need to be able to heal properly. You also want to make sure that you are receiving adequate financial help to get you through this time. An OWCP doctor in Indiana can assess your injuries and work with you to create a treatment plan to get you back on your feet. They can also work with you to file an OWCP claim so you are taken care of during your time off work. Here are some common federal workers comp injuries that can occur while on the job.

On the Job Falls

Slipping and falling is one of the most commonly occurring injuries at work in general, especially for federal workers. USPS and TSA workers are often moving packages, climbing ladders, or walking about. This could lead to severe injuries from tripping and falling over things or even falling off of ladders. These types of falls can cause broken bones, injury to the spine, back or neck, or even possible brain trauma. Be careful to move objects that are lying in the middle of the floor. Always exercise caution when climbing ladders or scaffolding. But should an accident occur, an OWCP doctor in Indiana will put your interests first so you can take the time you deserve to heal properly.


A lot of federal jobs require heavy lifting, lots of bending, or pushing and pulling of large objects. This type of repetitive movement, if not done with care, can lead to injuries. The most common types of injuries from overexertion include sprains, muscle tightness, pinched nerves, or spinal injuries. If these injuries are affecting your job, it may be time to consult an OWCP doctor in Indiana so that you can take care of yourself.

Auto Accidents

USPS workers that drive mail delivery trucks are the most commonly injured in auto accidents while on the job. Auto accidents are no laughing matter. If there is damage to the vehicle, there is usually damage to your body as well. Again, consult an OWCP doctor in Indiana to assess your injuries and help you file an OWCP claim to receive federal workers comp benefits while you rest and recover.

No matter how cautious you are while on the job, injuries can happen. If you are a federal worker who has been injured on the job, be sure to seek the treatment you require to recover from an experienced and professional OWCP doctor in Indiana because your health is of utmost importance.